Plants - D

Daphne odora Aureomarginata
Smallish evergreen withgolden margins to the leaves very fragrant pink flowers Mar Apr 1 to 1.5 m2L £15.00
Dichroa daimingshanensis - GUIZ48
Hydrangea like shrub, 1m high. Blue berries2L £18.00
Digitalis purpurea f. albiflora
Foxglove Toxic if eaten. Cream flowers Jun-Jul. 1.2m. Moist, well-drained soil in part shade.2L Perennial £8.00

Digitalis Sutttons apricot
Foxglove Toxic if eaten. Hairy, dark green leaves. Apricot flowers Jun-Jul. Sun or partial-shade, in humus-rich, moist soil.2L Perennial £8.00
Disanthus Ovatifolius
RARE - Semi Evergreen, foliage turns purple in Autumn.2L £18.00

Disporopsis aff. undulata
Low growing evergreen 20 cm .Scented creamy flowers purple and yellow inside May June Well drained soil in shade2L Perennial £9.50

Disporopsis aspera tall form
Darkly mottled 40 cm stems Evergreen leathery leaves scented white flowers June Purple fruit.Welldrained shade2L Perennial £9.00

Disporopsis pernyi
Rare shade loving evergreen. Fragrant white flowers May-Jun. 30-40cm. Moist soil.2L Perennial £9.00

Disporopsis pernyi Bill Baker
A selection made by this famous plantsman2L Perennial £9.00
Disporum bodinerii
A short growing spp 50 cm Cream white flowers May June2L Perennial £12.00

Disporum longistylum green giant
Green/Yellow flrs. in spring. Evergreen foliage in mild winters. 90/100cm. Superb shade plant2L Perennial £15.00

Disporum sessile macrophyllum BSWJ 4316
Strong growing form from Asia white /green tinged flowers 4 cm long Apr June .Good shade plant in well drained oganic soil.1.5 L Perennial £12.00

Disporum sessile 'Variegatum'
Creamy-white bells drip down from the arching stems that are clad in handsomely variegated foliage Apr-May. Cool shady situation in humus rich soil.1.5 L Perennial £9.00

Doodia Media
Hacksaw or Rasp Fern. Hardy New Zealand fern with pink tips and mid rib. 60cm2L Fern £7.00

Drimys aromatica
A dense, evergreen, medium to large shrub of upright habit, possibly to 4m or more in height, with dark green leaves, paler below, copper-tinted when young.3L £15.00
Drimys lanceolata
3L £12.00