Plants - A
20 plants per page (in alphabetical order)
Abutilon Innes
2L £12.00
Abutilon canary bird
yellow2L Exotic £12.00
Abutilon 'Patrick Synge'
2L £12.00
Abutilon x milleri Variegatum
2L £12.00

Acacia baileyana purpurea
Glaucous finely cut foliage .Yellow flowers in spring sheltered position2L £18.00
Acanthus eminens
very spiky leaves, fantastic violet flowers2L Perennial £12.00

Acanthus mollis
Flowers, June - Aug, 80cm in height.2L Perennial £9.00

Acanthus mollis Hollard's Gold
Bears Breeches Golden yellow-green leaves, Mauve and white flower spikes, Jun-Sep. 90cm in height. Part shade or full sun. Well-drained soil,2L Perennial £12.00

Acanthus spinosus AGM
Bears Breeches, Soft mauve flowers in spikes, Jun-Oct. 1.5m in height. Handsome, glossy dark green foliage. Well drained soil, flowers are best in the sun.2L Perennial £12.00

Acanthus Whitewater
Stunning new Cv. Dark green foliage with white varigation. Pink flowers on pink stems. June - Aug, 1.5 m in height.2L Perennial £12.00
Acer negundo Kellys Gold
medium sized bushy headed deciduous tree with bright yellow foliage. (Box elder)3L £16.00

Alchemilla mollis
Greenish yellow foliage excellent ground cover yellow flowers may - Sept. 40cm2L Perennial £9.00

Aloe aristata
A.aristata is a low-growing evergreen perennial.It forms lance-shaped, softly spined green leaves with white spots. In autumn tubular, orange-red flowers appear on long stems.3L Perennial £12.00

Anemone hyb, Serenade
Free flowering, semi double dark pink. 80cm in height. Aug/Oct.2L Perennial £9.00

Anemone hyb, Whirlwind
Semi double white flowers. 90cm in height. Sept/Oct.2L Perennial £9.00

Anemone praecox
Dark pink flowers. 50/60cm in height. Early flowering.2L Perennial £9.00

Angelica Ebony
White flowers Jun-Sep. 1.8m. Moist, fertile soil in sun or part shade. purple foliage2L Perennial £9.00

Angelica gigas
Fantastic, architectural plant growing up to 2m in height. Flowers deep purple umbels, Aug-Sep. Moist, fertile soil in sun or part shade. Biennial.2L Perennial £9.00

Artemesia ludorviciana Valerie Finnis
fine cut silver foliage2L Perennial £9.00
Aspidestra elatior Variegata
White striped leaves slow growing shade plant2L Perennial £20.00
20 plants per page (in alphabetical order)